Whitehall Pet Directory

Whitehall Community is committed to individual safety not just for its residents, but for its pets as well. Use this directory if you should happen to find a stray dog or cat in the confines of Whitehall with no identification - chances are that it belongs to someone in the neighborhood. Check back periodically to see additions to the directory, or just to marvel at all of the cute photos!

Use the button below to to submit your own pet’s profile to be posted here. Please include all of the following items:

  1. Your name and home address

  2. A recent photo of your pet

  3. Your pet’s name

  4. A brief description, including breed (if known) and relative age

  5. Any distinguishing marks that would help to identify your pet



Laura and Charlie
550 Ambergate



Banjo is a male Boston Terrier. He is elderly, with lots of gray in his coat, and is mostly blind and deaf. He can be skittish, but is easily coaxed with food.

Tory & Nancy Quinton
740 Whitehall Way



Luna is a large female German Shepherd. She can be a little skittish, but is easily coaxed with food.

Tory & Nancy Quinton
740 Whitehall Way


Robert Plant

Robert is a healthy Golden Pothos vine. He enjoys fortnightly waterings and indirect sunlight eight hours every day. His hobbies include converting carbon dioxide into oxygen and reaching new heights on his trellis.

Chris & Katera



The escape artist. If you see her in the hood please know she is harmless but extremely stubborn.


Jenni Brinson

670 Whitehall Way

Messages Image(2424745700) 2.png


Jake (also responds to Mochi)

Jake is an 18 pound Maine Coon mix. He is about 5 years old.

He has standard Maine Coon coloring with a white chest and white stomach. He has very large hips.

Jake is an indoor/outdoor cat and a habitual fence crosser. If he is in your yard please feel free to call me and I will come and get him.


Laura McNally and Joey Yore

1015 Wellers Ct



Also responds to Fluffy

Chauncey is a snugly little Pomeranian. He thinks he is the boss - and often is.

He’s not a big fan of small children but lives for blankets and food of any kind.


Patrick and Hala Shell

630 Whitehall Way